Our apartment accommodates 4 people.
The price of the apartment is a unit price for up to 4 people.
Our basic price is HUF 70,000/night, which may change depending on the occupancy and the period.
During peak periods and with high occupancy, the prices may increase to a maximum of double this amount. Additional persons can be accommodated on an extra bed at the basic price of HUF 12,000/person. , which may change in proportion to the current price of the apartment.
For exact prices, request our unique offer at one of the contact details provided. If you wish to use an additional service, please let us know in your request for a quote or at any time during your stay. Our team will inform you of the price of the requested services and reserves the right provide a discount on prices at any time.
Our apartment can also be booked on accommodation search sites (e.g. Booking.com). You can easily find "Béke 10 Apartment Villány" using the search words. Here you can get exact prices from the prices available through the accommodation search page.